Monday, October 11, 2004

Rock Bottom

You always hear that once you hit rock bottom, you can only go up from there. What if it takes your whole life to actually hit rock bottom and you just continually drift further and further down never actually hitting the bottom? Hmmmm. I guess your life will just suck ass forever.

Not that my life sucks ass. Noooooo! I'm enjoying spending 40 hours a week working in a dungeon. It's satisfying and engaging to no end. I especially love the fact that I have tons of down time in which I have to pretend to be working in order to not feel guilty and receive disdainful looks from the dungeon masters. Who knew that I would end up spending the better part of my life in a pit of hell? Gosh I love my life!

It used to not be so bad because I had hope that something better would come along. Well, nope. There are no jobs to be had in this fair city. I want to curl into a fetal position and cease to exist. At least until someone is ready to offer me a job. A good job. Preferably not in a dungeon. Is that too much to ask?

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