Thursday, September 29, 2005


Crap, I can't think of anything to blog about. So I'll blog about the fact that I don't have anything to say. How can one not have anything to say? It's not that I don't have anything to say, it's that I don't have anything interesting to say. Luckily, no one reads this thing anyway, so I don't have any pressure to be entertaining, etc. Why do I even bother with this thing anyway? I guess it's nice to have an outlet in case the mood strikes and I actually do have something I would like to voice.

I swear one of these days I'm going to bust out of my creative block. I'm gonna bust on out like the kool-aid man through a wall.

1 comment:

Memphis Word Nerd said...

You're getting spammed way too often. That sucks.

What sucks even worse is that you're making me crave Kool-Aid. Shit.