Thursday, September 01, 2005

Hi Little Bloggy Woggy

I'm so sorry I haven't blogged. I know everyone is paralyzed with anticipation about what I have been doing. Working. I just started a new job, so I figured I probably shouldn't blog on company time just yet. After sitting in front of a computer all day, the last thing I want to do is fire up the laptop at home. So, I'm so sorry to keep my 2 readers waiting. Tee hee.

I watched the news for about 4 hours straight last night. It is completely unfathomable. My mind just can't wrap around the extent of the suffering down there. Tears well up in my eyes several times a day. It's not just the human suffering that gets to me. It's the fact that the city of New Orleans will most likely never be the same again. I'll bet there are some stoked apocalypse harbinger types out there. It does seem like there are more natural disasters in recent years.

I think I'll buy a bike this week-end so I can use it on the week-ends rather than my car. Too bad my new job is so freaking far from my home.

1 comment:

Memphis Word Nerd said...

So how do you like the job so far?