Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Hells to the No

For the most part, I hate bubbly people. This characeristic is especially grating in co-workers, because who feels all giddy and bubbly when they're at work? Not me. Hells to the no. (by the way, this is my new catch phrase that i stole from that legend in ruins Whitney Houston). Try it, it's fun.

Hells to the no, Bitches! That's black love baby. Black love!

Another pet peeve, "W" stickers. More specifically, "W" stickers on SUV's that take over entire parking lots. Someday I'm going to go to Six Flags Over Jesus and count how many vehicles are tainted with the sign of the devil. Something might have to be done. Because you know almost every car in that colossal parking lot will be displaying some incarnation of the "W" propaganda. Not to mention "Support Our Troops" or "God Bless America" crap. Just the other day, my co-worker and I laughed about a "God Bless America" sign in a deli window. It's just an ignorant thing to say. It's basically saying America is favored by God, and to hell with every other country. Like my co-worker said, "These are the type of people back in the day who would've insisted the world was flat even after the scientific evidence."

My, that bubbly encounter set-off a cynical tirade.

1 comment:

Memphis Word Nerd said...

I suggest investing in a large stack of pro-choice bumper stickers and using them to cover every "W" sticker that you happen to see. Gay pride ones work well, too.