Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I did something stupid

I accidentally sent an email to my boss that was making fun of his email to me. It wasn't a horribly evil email or anything. But I was scared as shit for a few minutes, wondering how in the hell to handle the situation. He sent me an email pointing out that something I thought wasn't possible to do actually was. It was perfectly polite and within reason. For some reason it rubbed me the wrong way and I thought I'd comment on it to another coworker who had gotten the same email from him. I quoted his email, "does indeed update" and then typed underneath "puke." I then proceeded to send the email to my boss and not my coworker. I realized my mistake immediately after pushing send - I could still see the email, not yet launched into cyperspace. Yet there was nothing I could do. Once you hit send, there is no turning back.

I panicked. I told coworkers who looked at me in horror. How could you do that? What were you thinking? After a brief freak out with my heart pounding and my mind racing, I just sent an apology email. I told him I felt like I was being critcized and that I was sorry for sending it. We laughed about it afterwards and all is good with the world again.

I know this shit happens a lot. My manager did something similar to this a few weeks ago, but it was much worse and even more convoluted. My friend was recently on the receiving end of an errant email. I wonder if anyone has ever gotten fired over this? That would totally suck ass.


theogeo said...

Oh man, that is the worst feeling ever, that instant your foot meets your mouth.

theogeo said...

I put my effin' foot in my mouth at work TODAY, a full day after reading about your close encounter.

Now I think I may have made an enemy out of the new girl and I haven't even been introduced to her yet.

I should have to get a permit for every sentence I'm about to utter.

ml said...

Was this through email or face to face?

theogeo said...

It wasn't technically face-to-face. It was my face to someone else, and I think she might have overheard. Blarg!