Friday, September 15, 2006


I was going to post about the traumatic event I witnessed on my way home from work yesterday, but now I'm having second thoughts. I've been telling anyone and everyone about it, like that might somehow relieve me of the gruesome images burned into my brain. But I wonder if it's more burdensome to the people I tell then it is helpful to me to tell it. Well, I guess it's something to blog about.

I witnessed a man being hit by a car on the interstate, so basically I saw someone die right in front of my eyes. I was directly beside the car that hit him, so I saw his face right before it happened, I saw his body fly about 10 feet in the air, and then I saw his body bounce and tumble on the ground and eventually come to a rolling stop. It was chilling and upsetting and horrible. The car that hit him pulled over, as well as at least one other, but I just slowed down and kept going. I eventually got out of my stupor enough to call 911, but they already received several calls about the accident.

I wonder what it's like to live in a country where you witness death everyday, like Iraq. Do you eventually become numb to it?

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