Thursday, May 12, 2005

Death on Lamar

I almost died yesterday driving home from work. I was speeding along on the interstate, and I must have had a brain fart, because for some reason I got off on the wrong exit, Lamar Avenue. Lamar Avenue is scary. Bad things happen on Lamar. I believe most Memphis hookers and crack dealers promote their wares on Lamar. Anyway, I'm going along in the right hand lane and a minivan flies by me. I'd say they were going about 90 to 100 miles/hr. They approach the red light and, nope, not stopping. They just go right on through. Fortunately the other cars were able to swerve and escape what could have been a huge pile up. I just stared in horror. Then along came about 5 cops, also going 100 miles/hr. As this was going on, I got this feeling that I was going to die on Lamar Avenue. It was my destiny. I had inexplicably gotten off on the wrong exit and was soon to be smashed into by a speeding cop. I was convinced of my impending doom. So I tried to enjoy my last few minutes of life on what has to be one of the ugliest, most depressing streets known to man. I think hell might resemble Lamar Avenue.


Memphis Chix said...

So, what is your destiny in light of what (didn't) happen(ed)? Was it averted, or do you now think this was the intended result instead of your death? Was it thwarted destiny?

ml said...

I guess I wasn't actually destined to die just yet. Maybe it will happen today after work! It's always a close call driving in this town.

cube said...

At least you lived to blog another day. I say, any day you wake up alive & healthy is a good day.