Wednesday, June 08, 2005


When I was at the P&H last Friday I read some graffiti on the girl's bathroom stall door that made me laugh. I wrote it down on a business card and just found it in my wallet yesterday. Here it is,
"You say tomato, I say Fuck You." I thought it was funny.

Tonight I'm going roller skating with Serrabee and Grace. Somebody needs to open up an old school "rink" that has 70's decor and only plays the crap we heard back in the day, like "Another One Bites the Dust", "Wipeout", and ?. Nothing else really sticks out. Didn't we do the hokey pokey? Then there was the couples skate, but I was too young to really get into that. Thirty-somethings could have their birthday parties there just like they did 25 years ago. It would be beautiful. When I was jogging yesterday I was thinking about that show "Thirtysomething" and I got depressed because I'm that demographic now and their lives kind of sucked. There was that lonely neurotic single chick Melissa and she was always miserable and sad. But that show was made in the 80's and nowadays in the 00's things are different for the 30's. Because 30 is the new 20. So it's all good. I still have 10 years to get it together and get married so I can hate my husband and hate my baby and have a mid-life crisis.


Phoebe said...

Where'd you go roller skating?

Memphis Chix said...

Skankland, or Skateland, over on Summer Ave. behind the movie theatre.
It stank of cat urine. Wanna go with us next week? (Sounds tempting, huh??)

Memphis Word Nerd said...

If y'all end up going again, give me a call. I love me some redneck fun...