Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Pranksters Rule

I love it that Tom Cruise got water squirted in his face from a fake journalist with a fake microphone. Whoo! Take that as a hint from the entire world Tom, we don't give a rat's ass about you and your "true love". Shut the fuck up already. Also, we dont' care about your screwy scientologist religion. Just stick to the acting and don't talk too much because your devolving into a freak. I foresee a Michael Jackson like downfall if you don't just shut up.

So thanks to all the pranksters out there who culture jam the daily media onslaught we average citizens have to endure. If I see one more picture of Tom and Katie kissing or hear one more snippet of Tom babbling on and on, my head is going to implode. Now I get to see that same face drenched with water!

The story on defamer.

1 comment:

Memphis Word Nerd said...

Horse piss would have been more fun.