Thursday, June 16, 2005

Red-neck male stripper troupe

I'm so annoyed with the trajectory of my life. But I'm even more annoyed with myself because I'm responsible for that trajectory. Just have to keep on trying and reminding myself that I have tried to make things happen - they just haven't.

Last night at my hole in the wall bar I saw the weirdest looking guy. He had a mullet I think, disguised by a cowboy hat, and a gigantic soul patch thing jutting out from his face. He wore a gas station shirt with the sleeves ripped off and unbuttoned to mid-chest level, showing off his sizable muscles, tan and a tattoo. He was also sporting some Clarie's looking cheap-ass necklace. His get-up just stuck me because he was with these dirty rocker band types, but he looked like a red-neck male stripper troupe member. I'll bet he is a stripper.

I'm going to see Ross Rice tonight at the Blue Monkey, just like back in the day. He's only been gone for a little over a year but it seems like longer.

1 comment:

Memphis Word Nerd said...

Redneck strippers are hott.