Friday, April 28, 2006

Fat Friday

Last night I ate 2 humongous servings of cookies and cream ice cream instead of taking my fat ass on a jog. And I wonder why my clothes don't fit. My rationale for the excessive amount of ice cream consumption was that I needed to go ahead and finish off the container so it wouldn't be in the house anymore. And I wonder why I can't shed any lbs. Pretty soon I'll only be able to wear clothes with elastic waist bands because I absolutely refuse to purchase any clothes one size bigger than what I cram on to my body now. I refuse!

I'm beginning to sound like a Cathy cartoon, i.e. annoying. I will shut up and be glad that I'm not extremely overweight and that my flesh hasn't fused with the fabric strands of my couch requiring a team of surgeons to make a house call to cut me free. That would suck much worse. Don't ever quit smoking people!

Ok, I'll stop with the fat talk. Friday is such a bittersweet day of the week. The afternoon stretches on almost as long as the other 4 days combined because you've worked a full week and the freedom of the week-end is so close that you can't really focus on anything else. Everyone's favorite day is Friday, but it's pretty low on my list. I like Wednesdays and Thursdays much better because you're close but not too close.

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